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Organisational considerations

By ‘organisational’ we mean non-clinical, and 40% of the carbon footprint of primary care comes from these sources. There are some easy wins for taking action here.
The largest sections of non-clinical carbon are in energy use, followed by business services, staff travel and patient travel. (image from ‘See Sustainability’)

The largest single contribution to non-clinical carbon in primary care is from energy use. Reducing energy wastage also saves the practice money, so simple actions to help with this are win-win solutions. There are also multiple co-benefits in encouraging active travel for patients and staff.

Carbon footprinting your practice can provide a really useful focus for areas to work on.

Below is a document which summarises what each Integrated Care Board around the country is doing to help reach Net Zero goals in Primary Care. We hope this informs and inspires you to make changes in your practice.

Click here to see the full summary!

Non-clinical topics