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Special Interest Groups

If you want to be involved in interesting and inspiring discussions about aspects of sustainable healthcare, please join our Special Interest Groups.

A key part of Greener Practice is connecting people and sharing resources via our network. Therefore, we have set up several WhatsApp for discussions on different themes. Each of the groups has a google folder stored in the description of the group for useful documents, posters and more. The groups organise virtual meetings when this is useful which are open to all members.  

To join any of the groups

Please email with your mobile number to join any or all of the groups. Please include your professional registration e.g. GMC or a recommendation from an existing member.

The Groups include:

1. GrP Non-clinical Carbon (Previously named Organisational carbon)

2. Greener Respiratory and Clinical (including frailty, prevention, social prescribing, low carbon alternatives , inequalities, person centered care)

3. Education   

4. GrP GIFH toolkit and QI

5. GrP Working with organisations

6. Trainee Group

7. Nature and Health (Previously named Blue and Green Prescribing)

8. National


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