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Cambridgeshire and Peterborough

Greener Practice Cambridgeshire and Peterborough is a newly establishing group based in the wider Cambridge region. Our aim is to connect healthcare professionals working or intending to work in General Practice, share knowledge, ideas and enthusiasm for sustainable healthcare!

The climate crisis is also a health crisis and we believe, as trusted professionals in the community, we can have a positive impact by being part of the solution along with managing the health-related consequences of a changing world. Addressing a complex issue, such as introducing widespread sustainability to the NHS, requires many individuals, with different backgrounds, experiences and ways of approaching challenges.

No prior knowledge or experience of sustainability is needed to join the group however, just an interest in the area and willingness to get to know others and share ideas. So please do get in touch and we would love to have you on board!

To join, or find out more, please email

Chair: Positional currently available

We are looking for a new Chair or co-Chairs; no prior experience is needed, just enthusiasm and an interest in being sustainable! If you might be interested in this role, do get in touch. Regular meetings shall be on hold but in the meantime to keep up to date with what is going on, join our whatsapp.