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Greener Practice Wales is a very new and evolving group. We welcome all GPs and GP trainees who would like to network and share green ideas. We have interested members from all over Wales. We would love to know what work you’ve done. Also if you are new to it all and just want some information please ask! It’s really amazing to see the interest and hear what work has been done already. We hope to bring it altogether in our newly formed network. We have joined with other specialities and have our First Green Summit taking place this summer. We have set up a secure web based platform for networking. Which to join, all you have to do is email your interest and we will add you to the group.

Please email

Chair: Dr Sarah Willliams

Healthy Environment Workshop

Public Health Wales’ Health and Sustainability Hub has produced this toolkit to support Public Bodies and their staff to consider and reduce their negative impacts on the environment, and increase those activities that have a positive impact.

The online workshop allows teams to discuss the big issues of climate change, zero waste and biodiversity and looks at the activities of the whole team as well as individuals within the team. It is suitable for every team in an organisation, not just those who focus on sustainability, as everyone can make a positive contribution.

Greener Primary Care Wales

In 2022, Primary Care Division and Public Health Wales set up their version of the Greener Impact for Health toolkit, such that is abides by Welsh legislation. This Framework can help independent primary care contractors (general practices, community pharmacies, optometric practices and dental practices) improve their sustainability and environmental impact. You can find more information about it here.