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Film List

The feature film The Boy who Harnessed the Wind (shown above), is based on the true story of William Kamkwamba, a 13 year old boy who worked out how to build a wind turbine to save his Malawian village from starvation. The film stars, and is written and directed by, Chiwetel Ejiofor (Twelve Years a Slave, Kinky Boots). This film does not specifically name the Climate and Ecological Crisis as the cause of the famine, but the effects of alternating drought and flood, and of tree clearance, are clear to see. The film is currently free on Netflix, and the trailer is here.

For an extraordinarily good film about one man’s struggle against climate change in Kenya, watch the documentary film Thank You for the Rain, featuring Kisilu, a Kenyan farmer who recognises the importance of tree planting to protect his livelihood.

An Inconvenient Truth, by Al Gore, is a sobering must-see film for anyone who doubts the seriousness of the climate and ecological crisis. Watch the trailer here.

Don’t Look Up is a satirical allegory referencing the climate emergency, made in 2021 starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence and Meryl Streep.

David Attenborough’s documentary A Life on Our Planet is his witness statement and vision for the future. Watch the trailer here. His documentary Breaking Boundaries, outlining the extent and consequences of biodiversity collapse, and how we can still avert catastrophe, is available on Netflix.

For a hopeful view of the future, based on system change, watch 2040, for which the trailer is here.