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Information for students and trainees

Sustainability and planetary health are increasingly becoming embedded into the medical curriculum.

Medical Curriculum

We are working with universities across the country to improve planetary health awareness in medical training. The Planetary Health Report Card was recently completed by a number of medical schools to benchmark current activity and show areas where improvements could be made.

RCGP Curriculum

Greener Practice has supported the RCGP to write a Population and Planetary Health Chapter to the GP training curriculum.

GP fellowships

If you, or any doctor in your practice, is in their first 5 years after qualifying as a GP, they may be eligible for a Post-CCT Fellowship, which could be used to support your sustainable healthcare work.  There are also national fellowship schemes which are open to those in training and later in their career

Planetary health guide for GPSTRs and others

Greener Practice have worked with Bradford VTS to produce this resource explaining the relationships between planetary health and human health, and our role in this as Doctors.

Sustainable Quality Improvement

Undertaking a Quality Improvement project can be an opportunity to consider the environmental, social and financial impact of the planned activity. The SusQI website has a wealth of resources, as well as a guide which will help you plan your QI project with a view to considering sustainability issues. Dr Honey Smith has also produced a guide to Sustainable QI projects that you can find here. Our asthma toolkit has lots of quality improvement projects which can also help your GP practice achieve targets in the PCN DES Investment and Impact Fund. You can also get ideas from the Green Impact toolkit for Health. Here are some examples of previous audits students have undertaken:

Air pollution as a health risk: equipping staff to inform patients – 2024

Anticholinergic burden in older adults with polypharmacy

Monitoring of SSRI Prescribing in Adults at Richmond Medical Centre

PCOS Audit

The use of PEST questionnaire to assess for psoriatic arthritis in patients aged 16-60 with psoriasis