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Birmingham and Solihull

In February 2021, a few of us formed the Greener Practice Birmingham and Solihull group to support each other, share initiatives and spread awareness of environmentally sustainable primary healthcare. We aim to focus on practical steps to implement the RCGP Green Impact Toolkit and reduce our personal and practice carbon footprints.

We now have over 50 members from Birmingham and surrounding areas, comprising staff from the primary care and community midwifery team, the CCG, hospital consultants and medical students.

We meet virtually every 5-6 weeks, and via our whatsapp group we share information, opportunities and support to decarbonise. We would love to hear from anybody interested in joining us.  

Please contact Katrina Davies or Naomi Adelson at if you would like to be part of our group.

Chair: Dr Katrina Davies

After Katrina’s (LED) lightbulb moment watching the launch of Greener NHS in October 2020, she joined one of Sheffield Greener Practice’s group meetings and was immediately welcomed into the fold. The stars aligned as all her interests combined and she realised that it was time to stop just worrying about climate change and start acting, by raising awareness with anyone who’d listen.

Secretary: Dr Naomi Adelson

Naomi was born and brought up in Suffolk and became interested in the environment and climate change at an early age. She moved to Birmingham for medical school; she has adjusted to city life but retained her love for the countryside and the natural world. Over the past few years she has learnt more and more about the links between the environment and health. Greener Practice represents so much that she is passionate about.


The Real Junk Food Project

The Real Junk Food Project is a fantastic charity reclaiming food waste from supermarkets and other sources, to make into nutritious meals or give away as food bags to local families in Birmingham and the West Midlands.

On 11/07/22 GP B&S hosted Dr Shireen Kassam, founder of Plant-based Health Professionals UK at their meeting on 11/07/22 where she explained the benefits of plant-based diets for personal and planetary health.