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Educational Material for Professionals

A superb TED talk by Jonathan Patz, from the Global Health Institute – an excellent starting point for health professionals who need to understand the Climate Crisis.

WHO video on climate change and health for informing colleagues of the issue

The Grantham Institute – Climate Change and the Environment

A 12minute video from Medact regarding climate change and fossil fuel divestment

For the full report: 2019 International Panel on Climate Change Report – Human Health: Impacts, Adaptation and Co-Benefits

 For a full analysis of the problem, read the  Lancet Commission Countdown Report 2019

Click here for the WHO’s work on Climate Change and Health

This infographic from the Sustainable Development Unit shows the carbon and financial savings of a number of interventions that will also improve patient care.

For an excellent and deeply comprehensive summary of the problems we are facing, see Emergency on Planet Earth, written by Dr Emily Grossman with the support of the XR Scientists Community.

The Sustainable Development Unit has produced this useful graphic on the Carbon Footprint of the NHS, and the Lancet produced this excellent paper which outlines the carbon footprint of hospital versus GP care, amongst other parameters.

On the subject of GP action on the climate, a few Greener Practice GPs were involved in the interviews for this BMJ article of Feb 2021. Also see this podcast from Dr Terry Kemple, who worked with the NUS to create the Green Impact for Healthkit.

Dr Tamsin Ellis has kindly provided this compilation of resources of educational material.

How to be a survivor or hero in a climate and ecological disaster movie. This 16 minute instructional video from Dr Terry Kemple given to a RCGP Junior International Committee webinar on Earth day 2021 explains what you need to do to star as a hero or survivor in a disaster movie. It imagines that we face a climate and ecological disaster and how heroes and survivors must act.

PowerPoints on green respiratory health and planetary health are available here.

Here is an information leaflet about Planetary Health for healthcare professionals in primary care. It outlines some key achievable actions to take at work and at home in order to combat climate change.

Here is a list of some of the main resources for planetary health and the climate crisis. It includes websites, on-line courses, books, podcasts and films.

Going green: what do the public think about the NHS and climate change? – The Health Foundation

Cochrane Sustainable Healthcare has joined forces with the BMJ to launch a new podcast series called The Recovery – Voices of action towards sustainable healthcare co-hosted by The BMJ’s Editor in Chief Dr Fiona Godlee and journalist and Bond University health researcher Dr Ray Moynihan. The series will feature compelling and inspirational conversations with healthcare researchers, doctors, and activists from around the world who are actively working to wind back medical excess and forge more sustainable healthcare systems to improve our health, wellbeing, and climate.  Over six episodes, listeners will hear about new and sometimes radical initiatives that are changing the way doctors practice medicine, to ensure better access to high quality, evidence-based, and safe healthcare.

This is an interesting article about the health benefits of climate action.

Here you can find four videos produced by the BIA following their Sustainability Workshop.