Cycling to work has been great especially as there is very little traffic and it’s been nice weather. It has been good to get fresh air and exercise before work and to whizz home downhill smiling. V good for reducing stress and being ready to integrate back into the family after a busy day. It was amazing hearing birdsong on Queens Road. I’ve been able to take my time as the family evening activities now don’t require lifts.
Cycle boost gave me 2 panniers so I can do visits and keep one for clean and one for used equipment and PPE.
I have been using them to carry food for the S2 food bank and homeless hostel as my neighbours and church have been very generous so I’ve filled them everyday.
I am really grateful to cycle boost as I have an E bike which helps on the hills and will help me do visits in a timely way.
I cycle 12 miles a day now which is to and from work.
I’d love to carry on commuting to the Manor and I will probably leave early to avoid traffic. I would encourage people to try active commuting as it is a great way to fit exercise into the working day.
Having a shower at work and bike storage is important. The White House Surgery is taking part in the green impact for health scheme and promoting sustainable travel is an important part of protecting our environment. We have an inspirational team and encourage each other to be fit and healthy and often do yoga or go for a walk together if we can. We promote healthy walks and work closely with Manor and castle development trust health Trainer’s to promote exercise and healthy living in the community. Enjoying green spaces and doing regular exercise is great for everyone’s well being.
A big thank you to cycle boost for their support at this time and I hope many others will benefit in the future.
Helen McDonough, GP
I had been thinking about riding to work for a long time. However, as a trainee, changing workplaces and hours frequently alongside a smaller house put me off buying. The steep hills of Sheffield was also off-putting for someone who hadn’t ridden a bike in a number of years.
Being able to lease an e-bike has been a great option for me. I’ve enjoyed riding in and my commuting time is within minutes of being the same as driving and would be less than, in bad traffic. Going to a new way of working we need to find more ways of exercising and getting outside. I’m now seriously considering selling one of our 2 diesel cars and replacing it with an e-bike.
David Matthews Registrar
I’m a lifelong cyclist who had lost confidence after being knocked off my bike on a busy Ecclesall Road many years ago. The offer of a free loan of an eBike to NHS workers during lockdown was a true gift! It has opened a whole new way of enjoying exercise for me, re-introducing me to the streets of Sheffield as well as the trails outside the city. I look forward to heading out on my eBike most evenings as well as enjoying my daytime commute. The eBike provides a much needed way to de-stress after work, helping me manage a busy life and conquer those hills! I am so grateful to those at a Different Gear as well as those who support the CycleBoost scheme. Finally, a cheer for everyone who is doing their bit to make Sheffield a greener, healthier and happier place to live. Thank you.
Rhona Leadbetter, GP
Being able to cycle to work has been one of the few positive aspects of all the recent changes and restrictions. Not being restricted by the school runs has enabled me to cycle on most days and the quieter traffic has made it a great time to get used to the journey. I feel refreshed, happier, more motivated and more relaxed at work after cycling in and after cycling home I feel I deserve those treats and relaxing in the evenings.
I am trying to try and make some changes to the usual working week and school arrangements so I can continue cycling and I hope in the long term cycle paths will improve in Sheffield, especially to make it easier to avoid the roads with tram lines!!
Heather Wallis Practice nurse.