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Planetary health cases

These cases are all people you might see in a normal surgery, but all have a planetary health connection. How many people that you’ve seen recently can you relate planetary health to their care?

How does planetary health impact on patient’s or population’s health? How does patient/population health management impact on planetary health?

Planetary health is both about the impact that the provision of healthcare can have on the environment and about the impact that changes in the health of the planet can have on health conditions.

More cases are available for teaching. Please see below for details.

Resources for educators

Cases explained

If you would like to use these cases for teaching purposes please contact Greener Practice for access to a powerpoint and support in using this teaching approach: Cases and commentary written by Dr Mike Tomson (with support from Dr Hayley Pinto (Hopelessness) and Dr Veena Aggarwal (recurrent hospital admissions)) and designed for the website by Dr Tamsin Ellis for Greener Practice.